General terms & conditions
No alcohol can be sold to minors
The sale of wine to people under the age of 16 is prohibited by law (18 years if the order contains spirits).
By confirming their order, the customer confirms that they are of legal age.
- COVID-19 Following the global pandemic and the decisions of the Confederation, we comply with official recommendations.
- However, we maintain online sale in order to send you a bit of liquid happiness.
- We cannot make any commitment regarding delivery times. We do our best to deliver to you as quickly as possible.
Retractation rights
The buyer has no right of withdrawal, regardless of the means of payment chosen and cannot return the goods ordered.
Data protection
All private data that you communicate to us remains strictly confidential and treated in accordance with Swiss law.
Intellectual property
No element of the site may be reproduced, distributed or published in whole or in part without the prior written consent of Passeur de Vin SA.
The use of all or part of the site, , by downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or distribution for purposes other than your personal and private use is strictly prohibited.
Prices are per unit in Swiss francs, including VAT (7.7% or 2.5%) from our cellars in Geneva.
Product availability
- The list of available product is based on current stocks and may vary depending on current or upcoming sales. In the event of unavailability, le Passeur de Vin SA is commited to inform the buyer as soon as possible.
- We reserve the right to limit certain products available only in very limited quantities.
Orders are payable in advance. You can choose from the payment methods offered on our site.
The wines remain the property of the Passeur de Vin SA until full payment of the order.
- Credit Cards: when purchasing, you will be redirected to our partner to make your payment by card securely, fully encrypted and protected.
- By invoice: you can choose to pay for your purchases by bank transfer. It is important to note that this method of payment may result in longer delivery times. Upon receipt of payment, your order will be prepared and a paid invoice will be sent to you by email.
Bank details: UBS Genève – Account number: 240-496730.01N
Le Passeur de Vin SA reserves the right to change prices, assortment and conditions of sale without notice.
Defective bottles
Corked or defective wines will not be replaced.
Damaged package
All items must be checked upon receipt of the merchandise. In the event of damage, please notify us in writing within 8 days. After this period, we consider the delivery to be compliant. We invite you to directly refuse a package that appears damaged by the post office.
Terms of delivery (valid throughout Switzerland):
- We cannot make any commitment regarding delivery times. We do our best to deliver to you as quickly as possible.
- We do not ship overseas.
- Franco from Chf. 500.- purchase (Shipping 3 to 5 working days), otherwise Chf. 17.- each 12 bottles.
- Express delivery at an additional cost. (Contact us for more informations).
Shipping by our postal partner: Vinolog delivered against signature, the expected delivery time is 3 to 5 working days after the shipment of your order.
We may also have to make use of a carrier for large quantity orders.
- Withdrawal from the Acacias store: you will receive a confirmation email when your order is ready (a minimum of 48 working hours is expected).
- Collection at the Lausanne store: you will receive a confirmation email when your order will be delivered in Lausanne, generally the following week, Wednesdays or Thursdays.
- Depending on the planned rounds, it is possible that your order will be deposited with you by our delivery person. In this case, we will contact you by phone to ensure your presence.
Order confirmation:
The sale is concluded once the customer has validated their shopping cart and a confirmation has been sent to them by email.